Форум остановлен на неопределенный срок с момента полномасштабного вторжения в Украину.
Агрессией является применение вооруженной силы государством против суверенитета, территориальной неприкосновенности или политической независимости другого государства, или каким-либо другим образом, несовместимым с Уставом Организации Объединенных Наций, как это установлено в настоящем определении.

Статья 3

Любое из следующих действий, независимо от объявления войны, с учетом и в соответствии с положениями статьи 2, будет квалифицироваться в качестве акта агрессии:

а) вторжение или нападение вооруженных сил государства на территорию другого государства или любая военная оккупация, какой бы временный характер она ни носила, являющаяся результатом такого вторжения или нападения, или любая аннексия с применением силы территории другого государства или части ее;

b) бомбардировка вооруженными силами государства территории другого государства или применение любого оружия государством против территории другого государства;

с) блокада портов или берегов государства вооруженными силами другого государства;

d) нападение вооруженными силами государства на сухопутные, морские или воздушные силы, или морские и воздушные флоты другого государства;

e) применение вооруженных сил одного государства, находящихся на территории другого государства по соглашению с принимающим государством, в нарушение условий, предусмотренных в соглашении, или любое продолжение их пребывания на такой территории по прекращению действия соглашения;

f) действие государства, позволяющего, чтобы его территория, которую оно предоставило в распоряжение другого государства, использовалась этим другим государством для совершения акта агрессии против третьего государства;

g) засылка государством или от имени государства вооруженных банд, групп, иррегулярных сил или наемников, которые осуществляют акты применения вооруженной силы против другого государства, носящие столь серьезный характер, что это равносильно перечисленным выше актам, или его значительное участие в них.


Всё что может интересовать людей с общим интересом - работой с гитарой.
Аватар користувача
Повідомлень: 1868
: 16 липня 2014, 15:34
: Михаил
Has thanked: 280 times
Been thanked: 252 times

Повідомлення Михаил_И » 12 липня 2015, 14:08 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

красавицы какие

Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 14:38 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"


Citterns under construction.

After a long period building only guitars, I’m now working on citterns again. I hope to have two ready for spraying in the next few weeks. I’ll post pictures soon.
Double-decker guitar.

I’m also working on my first dreadnaught in several years, and my first ever 14 fret dreadnaught.

Here it is ready for its fingerboard, after which I’ll shape the neck, camber and fret the fingerboard, make the bridge, and shape it to the soundboard.

After final sanding it will go to David for lacquering.

Instruments currently under construction

At the moment I have four instruments under construction, an unusually large number for my shop. Two are New World guitars (one with a Douglas Fir soundboard, the other standard Italian spruce) and two are citterns, one four course and one five course.
And Angie, yes, the four course cittern is yours.


Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 14:51 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

Making a virtue of necessity
The African Blackwood sides on this Douglas fir topped New World guitar were a little too short.<br />So I fitted a panel (also of African Blackwood) at the tail, edged with maple and black/red/black purfling to match the rest of the trim.
The African Blackwood sides on this Douglas fir topped New World guitar were a little too short.
So I fitted a panel (also of African Blackwood) at the tail, edged with maple and black/red/black purfling to match the rest of the trim.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 14:53 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

African Blackwood New World

Last weekend I visited Martin Simpson and saw and heard the African Blackwood New World guitar he collected just a week or so ago. He used it (along with both MS Models) at his Queen Elizabeth Hall gig in London last Thursday.

Here is Martin trying to remember how to finger C major in standard tuning.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 14:58 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

These are the first citterns I’ve built for a couple of years, ready for David and the spray booth. They’ll be there for around a month, after which making and fitting the bridge, fitting the tailpiece and stringing up will take another week or so.

My apologies to those who’ve been waiting so long, but I’m making good progress. The next two citterns/octave mandolins are now also under construction.

When I’ve made inroads into my existing orders I plan to re-open my mandolin family order book.
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Here you see the distinctive sweep of the sides into the heel. This was a technique I developed when first building Appalachian dulcimers in the early 1970s and carried over into my cittern designs. This system has undergone three major revisions, the last in 2004.<br /><br />After so long concentrating on flat-top guitars, I’ve returned to arch-top instruments with renewed enthusiasm.
Here you see the distinctive sweep of the sides into the heel. This was a technique I developed when first building Appalachian dulcimers in the early 1970s and carried over into my cittern designs. This system has undergone three major revisions, the last in 2004.

After so long concentrating on flat-top guitars, I’ve returned to arch-top instruments with renewed enthusiasm.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 15:03 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

14 fret Dreadnought
My 14 fret Dreadnought is now lacquered and strung. I’ll leave it a few days to settle before fitting its Highlander pickup and setting the action.<br /><br />It is a little wider than the standard Dreadnought, and has the same body length as my 12 fret model. Most 14 fret Dreadnoughts bodies are a little shorter than 12 fret bodies.<br /><br />Alongside is a Martin Simpson model body with side re-inforcement strips glued and clamped in place.
My 14 fret Dreadnought is now lacquered and strung. I’ll leave it a few days to settle before fitting its Highlander pickup and setting the action.

It is a little wider than the standard Dreadnought, and has the same body length as my 12 fret model. Most 14 fret Dreadnoughts bodies are a little shorter than 12 fret bodies.

Alongside is a Martin Simpson model body with side re-inforcement strips glued and clamped in place.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 15:06 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

Oiling fingerboards

Over the last week I’ve been reminded about the importance of oiling ebony fingerboards.

Ebony is a very dry wood which can readily absorb moisture from (and lose moisture to) the atmosphere. When this happens the ebony can expand or shrink more than the neck wood and thus bend it back or pull it forward. Much as a bi-metal strip bends at different temperatures.

The problem can be solved by oiling the fingerboard. This gives it a water resistant layer which inhibits the take-up or loss of moisture.

For many years I used lemon oil for this, but the latest acid-catalyst lacquer is not resistant to it, as were earlier versions.

If you were lucky enough to obtain a bottle of Squirroil (the manufacturers of which seem to have disappeared), this is ideal. Otherwise I use walnut oil, a light oil which penetrates the ebony to some extent. I would also expect proprietory brands of guitar fingerboard oil to be effective.

Rosewood contains more oil, so should not be as likely to suffer this problem. Not that oiling rosewood fingerboards can do any harm.

This issue re-surfaced a week or so ago when a guitarist in the south of France called and said that after over a year of a completely stable neck, it had pulled back to the point of serious string buzz. This was just after the start of a period of heavy rain and humidity.

While adjusting the truss rod solved his problem, another change in atmospheric humidity would almost certainly require him to reverse this adjustment. Proofing the fingerboard on a regular basis should be a better long term
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 15:12 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "Stefan Sobell Guitars"

New finishing technique

The two citterns shown on 6th October are back from the spray booth. David’s finishing has always been the best, but he’s now using newly available polishing soap and mops which give even more shine.
Acoustic Music Company in Brighton<br /><br />Last week I travelled round my wood suppliers in the south of England and also visited the Acoustic Music Company in Brighton. Run by Trevor Moyle, along with with shop manager and outstanding guitarist Michael Watts, they import and stock the best of American luthier built mandolins and guitars. Musicians (and makers like me) are able to see, play and hear guitars we’ve previously only heard of.<br /><br />Trevor and Michael are welcoming and patient. I spent half a day looking at guitars and listening to Michael demonstrate them. I took with me my latest Douglas Fir and African Blackwood New World model; it was fascinating to hear Michael playing it alongside other guitars.
Acoustic Music Company in Brighton

Last week I travelled round my wood suppliers in the south of England and also visited the Acoustic Music Company in Brighton. Run by Trevor Moyle, along with with shop manager and outstanding guitarist Michael Watts, they import and stock the best of American luthier built mandolins and guitars. Musicians (and makers like me) are able to see, play and hear guitars we’ve previously only heard of.

Trevor and Michael are welcoming and patient. I spent half a day looking at guitars and listening to Michael demonstrate them. I took with me my latest Douglas Fir and African Blackwood New World model; it was fascinating to hear Michael playing it alongside other guitars.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 15:17 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

Для перевода в данном случае английского текста в интернете есть программы переводчики, а так же функция перевода есть во многих современных браузерах.
перевод.JPG (21.06 Кіб) Переглянуто 4218 разів

Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 16:16 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "mandolin cafe" : http://www.mandolincafe.com/forum/group ... do=discuss

New Jacobson "Leviathan" - Mandocello/GOM instrument design

Marty Jacobson - Oct-15-2013, 10:16pm

Hello everyone. I've had a lot of interest in some kind of Guitar-Bodied Octave Mandolin for a while.

I've decided to develop two new mandolin-family instruments. The first one, which I'm currently calling "Chimera", is for shorter scale instruments and higher tunings, accommodating scale lengths from 17" to 22" or so, depending on the аpplication. Examples: Mandola, Octave mandolin, short scale cittern, Waldzither, "tenor lute", etc.

The larger instrument, which I'll post images of here, accommodates scales from 21.5" to 26" or longer, and is designed to work well all the way down to a second-octave C (which is the lowest string on a cello).
Examples: Long-scale bouzouki, Mandocello, tenor guitar, Long scale CGDAE cittern, "liuto cantabile" (24"), etc.

It is called "Leviathan". I had numerous problems to solve in designing this, and have spent who knows how much time working towards this over the past two years.

My primary goals were to produce a design which was:
1. Appropriate for me to manufacture, minimizing time number of components
2. Ergonomically improved over other Guitar-bodied mandolins out there.

A mandocello is not a guitar, and there are differences in how most people play them.

What I have come up with is a design which is I believe is visually striking, but most importantly, it just feels right. It is a pretty huge instrument, but in the arms it feels like a much smaller instrument, and is well balanced. If an individual prefers, it can be played the same way as a guitar-bodied OM using the upper waist, or they can use the leg cutaway.

I've gotten a lot of valuable feedback from many members of the forum, thаnks to everyone who contributed.
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Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 16:22 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "mandolin cafe"
цитра - мандолина.JPG
цитра - мандолина.JPG (22.04 Кіб) Переглянуто 4212 разів

Celtic cittern
Повідомлень: 302
: 19 грудня 2014, 10:11
: Руденко Т
: Украина
Has thanked: 75 times
Been thanked: 50 times

Повідомлення Celtic cittern » 12 липня 2015, 17:19 » Re: Почему восьмерка?

материал с сайта "mandolin cafe"

Marty Jacobson - Oct-16-2013, 9:27pm

Just for fun, here are a few permutations with no cutaways, just a neck cutaway, and just a leg cutaway.

I know the leg cutaway looks strange, but once you hold it... it just feels right.
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